Política de privacidade

Confidentiality and security are the main values of FIL EVEREST SL .Consequently, we are committed to guarantee the privacy of the User in every moment and not to ask for unnecessary information. From now on, we will provide you all the necessary information about our Privacy Policy in relation with personal data that we collect. We will explain you:

  • Who is the responsible of your data processing.
  • What is the purpose of the data requested.
  • Which is the authentication for its processing.
  • How long are we going to manage them.
  • To whom the data are communicated.
  • Which are your rights.



VAT.: B-53513149

Company Address: Pol Ind Els Algars, C/ Pau Casals, 1A,03820, Cocentaina (ALICANTE)

Registered at the Companies House of ALICANTE, Tomo 1861, Folio 201, Hoja A-35335, Inscripción 5ª

You can contact with the owner by any of these means:

Phone number: 965 545 599

Email: info@fileverest.com



    • Purpose: Provide you a way by which you may contact us and we will answer your information request.
    • Legitimization: The user's approval when asking for information through our contact form and ticking the accept box of the privacy policy.
    • Conservation: Once we have solved your request through our form or answered by email, if a new processing has not been performed, your personal data will be deleted.

The personal data requested are necessary to manage your requests and/or in order to render you the services requested, this is why, if you don't provide them to us, we will not be able to meet your requirements properly nor the services you requested.


Your data are confidential and it won't be transferred to a third party, unless it will be required to manage the services contracted or in case that there is any legal obligation.

In our website we provide links and services related to our different social networks, (For instance: "I Like" from Facebook) If you are a member of any social network and you click on the corresponding link, the social network provider may link your profile data with the information of your visit to this website.

Consequently, if you access to one of our websites with any social network profile or if you share any information through them, it is convenient that you research about the personal data management functionalities and policies of the social network you have used.

You can access at any time to the privacy policy of the different social networks, as well as to set up your profile to guarantee your privacy. We suggest you to get familiarized with the use conditions of the social networks before using them:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/323540651073243/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?_l=es_ES

Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy

Google+: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Provided that the personal data management is carried out by the social networks whose providers impose their own rules, FIL EVEREST SL responsibilities are limited to those aspects in which the company has the right to take any action. Under no circumstances, FIL EVEREST SL will extract data from the social networks, create user profiles or obtain additional personal data concerning the preferences, hobbies or kind of use of the social networks, without the express authorisation of the affected.


Any person can deny their consent at any time, when it has been conceded for the management of his data. In any case, the removal of this consent may determine the execution of the subscription agreement or the relationship created previously.

You can, also, exercise the following rights:

  • Request the access to your personal data or their correction when they will be inexact.
  • Request their removal when, among other reasons, the data won't be any more needed for the purposes for which they were obtained.
  • Request the limitation of their processing in certain circumstances.
  • Request the contrary to the data processing for any reason related to your personal situation.
  • Request the data portability in the cases provided for in the rules.
  • Other rights recognized by the applicable rules.

Where and how to request your rights: Writing a document to the responsible person at his postal address or email (specified in the section "Responsible) indicating the reference "Personal Data" and specifying what is the right to be executed and which personal data it concerns.

In case any dispute may arise with the company concerning the management of your data, you may submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority ( www.agpd.es ).


fileverest.com only uses technical, customizing and analytical data, own and third party data, not managing under any circumstance any personal data nor obtaining data concerning the navigation habits for commercial aims.

This is why, when you visit our website, in compliance with article 22 of the Act on Information Society Services, when we manage the analysis cookies, we request for your approval to use them. The cookies will be installed after a moderate period of time, in this way the user has enough time to decide to give his approval or denial.

We suggest you to read carefully our cookie policy .


With the purpose of keeping your personal data safe, we inform you that we have adopted all necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your personal data from situations such as alteration, loose, and manipulations or non-authorized access.


In order to keep your personal data updated, it is important that you keep us informed about any change on them, otherwise, we won't have any responsibility about the veracity of them.

We are not responsible about the privacy policy concerning the personal data that you might cede to a third party through links available on our website.

This Privacy Policy might be modified to adapt it to the changes carried out on our website, as well as legislative and jurisprudence changes about personal data that might appear, this is why it must be read, every time you cede us your data through this website.


Se tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em visitar-nos, ligue-nos ou escreva-nos. Se você nos deixar uma mensagem, tentaremos retornar o mais breve possível.